MM LAMPADARI (Lenzia Mondin & Nicoletta Mondin)

Lenzia Mondin

“In my view, true Made in Italy products are entirely made in Italy, using local suppliers and certifications, and excellent quality.”.

“Innovation and design should succeed in effectively meeting history and artisan savoir-faire. The old methods of working with metal and blowing glass, for example, have a priceless value and should be preserved and their traditions respected, particularly if we want to offer customers the opportunity of buying unique pieces. Today, all this has to combine with new technologies such as LED lighting and energy-saving standards, and with the tastes of contemporary design, which only the most expert and esteemed designers can bring to each project”.

Nicoletta Mondin

“We’ve been working with great passion for more than 50 years, employing people who really know how to do their job. The materials are worked on the premises and also by partners with whom we have a very close and longstanding relationship”.

“We consider ourselves advanced artisans: we’re an artisan firm rather than mere craftspeople. Here we have a production facility which is highly specialized in technology terms, and a technical office that acts as a consultancy for our customers, giving advice that starts with the engineering specifications of the lamp and continues until its installation. So we can say we’re with the customer right to the end”.